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Kathy D. #IAmCrossCountry

Kathy D. #IAmCrossCountry

We’re back with another edition of our #IAmCrossCountry feature. Bet you were waiting on pins and needles, weren’t you? (Side note: If you missed our very first feature on Recruiter Kimberly I., you can check that out here.) This month we’re highlighting Kathy D., a Senior Recruiter who’s been with Cross Country for nearly a decade-and-a-half working with travel nurses and is also a published author!

Take a few minutes to get to know Kathy and see why she’s proud to say, “I am Cross Country!”

“The biggest challenge is the same as to what I like about working in this field – the constant changes that happen internally as well as within the industry itself.”

Q. What led you to seek out a job in the healthcare industry?

A. I was referred to Cross Country by a long-term employee of the company. I did not come from the healthcare industry, but I had been in sales and marketing for over 30 years.

Q. Tell us about your Cross Country journey. What attracted you to the organization?

A. I really didn’t know much about the healthcare industry when I was hired but once I was placed as a recruiter for placing nurses, I found it a very fascinating business and I saw myself being able to work here for a very long time.

Q. What do you enjoy most about working for Cross Country?

A. The constant changes that happen every day. There is always something to do and something new to learn. There is never a boring moment.

Q. What inspires you in your position from day-to-day?

A. The management and support from various departments given to me as a recruiter and to the nurses in the field that allow us all to be that best that we can be.

“I find the most successful travel nurses are timely with their responses to what is needed with the entire process of finding a job.”

Q. In your opinion, what do you find the biggest challenge working in the healthcare staffing industry? 

A. The biggest challenge is the same as to what I like about working in this field – the constant changes that happen internally as well as within the industry itself.

Q. One very interesting and we think exciting thing about you is you are a published author! “The Sun Jumped Over the Moon” is an adorable inspirational children’s book. Can you tell us about the process of writing it, getting it published, and how you determined the subject matter?

A. I wrote the book 22 years ago. The story came to me when I was walking around a large pond near where I lived. During my daily walks I would see the live versions of all the characters in the book. I struggle drawing stick people, so I took the story to the local universities’ art departments to find an illustrator. I sponsored a contest for the art students by giving them a couple of pages of the story and a synopsis of the story line. Whoever came close to what I had envisioned the book to look like was paid $25 a page and 10% of the royalties if the book ever sold and I owned the copyrights to the story and the illustrations. Emily Smith’s artwork was exactly how I saw the characters and the sun. Since its publication in July of 2022, the illustrations have been receiving extraordinary reviews from children as well as adults of all ages. The book is for preK-second graders. And what is fun when I read to classrooms of children they understand the theme of the book of how having friendships is important to encourage and help each other to accomplish what seems like the impossible. While on lockdown with COVID I found the original artwork while I was cleaning out closets. I submitted it to a publisher who accepted the book immediately.

Q. If someone wanted to learn more about the book and possibly even purchase a copy (great gift!), where should we point them?

A. I have a website where you can go to check out the book, to order an autographed book, and follow my blog where there are copies of the illustrations and all of the great things that are happening with the marketing and feedback for the book.

Q. Do you have any intent to write another book at some point?

A. Yes, I have written a novel that I finally completed, also during COVID. I am in the process of finding a publisher for this book. The book is called “BELLA SUENOS.” It is a love story centered on the adventures of the sport fishing boat named, the BELLA SUENOS – (Beautiful Dreams). Set in the decade of the 1990s, the novel is loosely based on the deep-sea fishing experiences from various fishing captains throughout the world that I have had the privilege of getting to know while spending many hours out on the oceans with these interesting characters, catching various sport fish such as Marlin, Sailfish, Tuna, and Bullhead Dolphin.

Q. Since so many of us work from home these days, do you have any tips or practices for “taking a break” during the day?

A. I work an average of 10 -12 hours a day. I try to get up out of my chair and walk around for 5 minutes every 2 hours. I take a 1-hour lunch every day. And unless there is an urgent situation, I shut down the day at 6:00.

Q. What are some of the most important qualities you look for when screening candidates for open positions?

A. I have been a recruiter with Cross Country for almost 15 years. I find the most successful travel nurses are timely with their responses to what is needed with the entire process of finding a job. This tells me they are serious about wanting to travel. They are dependable. They are of their word, and they will do a good job while on the assignment.

Q. If you had once piece of advice for someone looking to get into healthcare recruitment, what would it be?

A. Have a great sense of humor.

A great sense of humor, indeed! Now, wasn’t it fun getting to know Kathy? We’re thrilled to have had her participate in our feature, and certainly wish her the best of luck with her new book.

If you’re interested in learning about job opportunities with Cross Country either in the field or in a corporate capacity, be sure to visit And don’t forget you can be considered for your own #IAmCrossCountry moment here.


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