Educator Spotlight – Jeannette P., Bilingual School Psychologist

Educator Spotlight – Jeannette P., Bilingual School Psychologist

At Cross Country Education, we’re honored to work with the best of the best from across the nation! We take great pride in their shared passion for helping students succeed, and we love passing along their insight to inspire others interested in this rewarding field. This month, we spotlight an amazing Bilingual School Psych, Jeannette P.

Here’s why Jeannette became a Bilingual School Psych and what she enjoys most about working with Cross Country Education.

Why did you become a Bilingual School Psych?

I enjoy working with children and advocating for them and their needs.

What do you like about Cross Country Education?   

I love the flexibility and the ability to work remotely, from home.     

What have you liked about your experience working at schools with Cross Country Education?

I like to work with a variety of people in culturally diverse communities.

What kind of advice would you give to those starting out in your field?

Get organized and stay organized. As long as you are organized, everything falls into place.

School Psych Jobs

If, like Jeannette P., you’re ready to make a difference in the lives of students and embark on a meaningful adventure as a School Psych, explore our jobs today!